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How to Prepare the CCNP RS Certification Exam?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2019-07-13
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  •   Views: 4255

You are preparing for the Cisco CCNP R&S certification exams, and you might be wondering about how to make the best of your self-preparation, right? You don’t have to despair; there are many professionals who would have gone through the same process and would have been certified. All you need to do is to know the right steps in order to take towards preparing for the certification examination and be ready in order to take them effectively.

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4 Ways to Prepare CCNP R&S:

•    Go through the CCNA Course again

First and foremost, it is very important for you is to go over the basics of the CCNA R&S course again in preparation for the CCNP R&S certification exam. This is because the Cisco Certified Network Professional Routing and Switching credential would be built upon the CCNA R&S concepts. The topics are the same, only that the CCNP R&S would treat a wider scope of them. No matter how well you would be thinking you know your CCNA R&S topics, it is very essential that for you to revisit them again. Going through the topics that would help you refresh your knowledge, skills, and competence that are considered to be demonstrating during the CCNA R&S certification exam.


•    Being strategic about your study

It would be considered very easy to memorize your course materials with the hope of offloading it during the exam. Well, this is not going to work with the CCNP R&S certification examination. The CCNP R&S course is not something you could memorize. You need to study as well as understand about each of the topics, and the sub-topics in a comprehensive manner. It would be going beyond reading from cover to cover, page to page. You are required to make a conscious effort so as to understand each topic and be able to apply them.

•    Use practice exams

Taking a practice test is also considered to be quite important for you to achieve success in the certification exam. By taking the practice exam, you would be able to know your strength areas and your weak areas. This would be enabling you to know where to dedicate more time while preparing yourself for study. There are many options for gaining with the practice exam from online resources. SPOTO, for instance, offers you the best study dumps, which is considered to be quite helpful in your preparation process.


•    Plan your exams

The CCNP R&S certification has three distinct modules which are: 300-101 ROUTE, 300-115 SWITCH, and 300-135 TSHOOT. You could choose how you would be writing the exams. It doesn’t matter which you take first; you just need to plan out your time and study so as to be able to take all three within a reasonable time. According to CCIE experts, it is considered to be very much essential that you take the module that you feel is easy among the three for you. Passing a module would be able to boost your confidence for the other two modules. It would be considered quite crucial that you plan the sequence in which you would be writing the exam well ahead of your preparation and writing the test. This would be enabling you to plan out your study adequately so that you could have productive study time. Gaining CCNP Routing and Switching certification, you are required to have proper training module, which you could obtain through the training module provided by the SPOTO. SPOTO provides you the best study dumps, which enhance your chances in earning this certification that too with passing guarantee.


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