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Which Exam Would Be Harder the PMP or the CISSP? 

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2021-01-21
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  •   Views: 878
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  • PMP News

CISSP Overview (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

The CISSP is considered to be granted by the non-profit security consortium known as (ISC)2. Whereas the CISM credential would be aimed at management professionals, CISSP is deemed to be much more technical and would be covering a broader and deeper range of topics.

It would be introduced in 1994; the CISSP would be respected, vendor-neutral security certification. Candidates for CISSP would be having roles like security managers, security consultants, security auditors or analysts, network architects, etc.

The certification exam is considered to be a monster! It would be six hours long, with 250 questions which would be focused on eight domains:

  • Asset Security;
  • Communications And Network Security;
  • Identity And Access Management;
  • Security And Risk Management;
  • Security Assessment And Testing;
  • Security Engineering;
  • Security Operations;
  • Software Development Security.

But to take the exam, you are required to have worked at least four years as a security professional and are required to subscribe to the code of ethics of (ISC)2. Once you are a CISSP, you would be able to recertify every three years through at least 120 hours of CPE (continuing professional education). And there’s more to that. You should pay an annual fee of $85 (USD) for maintaining your certification.

PMP Overview (Project Management Professional):

The PMP is another certification that would be granted by the Project Management Institute. It is considered to be the gold standard of project management certification, which is accepted all around the world.

The PMP would be demanding specific painful and real-world experience as project managers before you could be even applied to take the PMP certification exam. If you didn’t possess a four-year degree, you would require having 7,500 hours directing and leading projects, plus 35 hours of education in project management! If you would be the proud graduate of a four-year school, then you would only require 4,500 hours as a project manager or leader and, of course, 35 hours of education in project management!

The PMP exam is considered to be a 4-hour test with 200 multiple-choice questions that would be covering about the five life-stages of a project:

  • Initiation,
  • Planning,
  • Execution,
  • Monitoring And Controlling,
  • Closing.

Once you have obtained your PMP certification, you’ll have to earn about 60 PDUs (professional development units) every three years.

PMP or CISSP: Which test is more challenging?

Both the PMP exam is considered to be 4 hours. The CISSP exam wouldn’t have a set duration. Unlike the PMP exam, the CISSP exam is deemed to be much more adaptive.

This means that if you would have got a question correct, then the next question is considered to be a bit harder, and so on. The CISSP exam will be ending when you are required to meet the criteria of clearing it or if the computer algorithm determines that you won’t pass.

Therefore, there would be no set time for the CISSP exam. Some people finish it rather quickly. Candidates could obtain question after question and be required to complete up to 150 questions if they have not received the passing score. The questions are considered to be mind-bending and could take many minutes to answer. So an additional 40 questions would be able to equate to a couple more hours of exam taking.

Both the PMP, as well as the CISSP exam, are considered to be daunting. Pass rates aren’t published for either exam, but it is said that less than 50% of people have cleared the CISSP exam on the first try, which is similar to the PMP exam too.

Now that you have acquired the knowledge about both the exam and if you wish to obtain success in your very first attempt, you must check out the SPOTO IT Exam Dumps.


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