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What Would Be the Current Version of the PMP Exam?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2020-12-25
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  •   Views: 839
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  •   Category:
  • PMP News

The project management profession is considered to be evolving multifold. For instance, agile methodologies weren't in common in project management as it is nowadays.

For being compliant with the changing industry dynamics, PMP exam changes would be every 3 to 5 years based on the PMI leadership, which would be conducted by subject matter experts from leading organizations worldwide.

PMP Exam Changes:

Based on the calendar that PMI would be announced on its website, new PMP exam content would have reported in June 2019. By the 2nd of Jan 2021, PMP certification exam takers would be sitting for the new PMP exam content outline. It would be better to enroll in PMP training and get your PMP certification before the PMP exam would be changing.

The following would be the critical dates published by PMI on its PMP exam changes webpage.

Note that, while these would be the current dates announced by PMI, based on the previous history of PMI changes, they might postpone the last day for taking the current version of the PMP exam.

However, you would never know until the previous day whether they are going to delay or not. Therefore, we would recommend you set your plans based on these dates. If you would desire to gain PMP certification, do it before the PMP exam changes.

New PMP Exam Content Outline

While the current PMP exam content would be focusing on five domains as the stages of the project lifecycle, new PMP exam content would be based on three fields mentioned below:

1.   People

2.   Process

3.   Business Environment

Based on the research of PMI through the current project management jobs, today's project management practitioners would be working in a variety of project environments and utilize diverse project approaches. Accordingly, the PMP certification would be reflective of this and incorporate approaches across the value delivery spectrum. About half of the examination would be representing predictive project management approaches, and the other half would be representing agile or hybrid approaches. Predictive, elegant, and hybrid processes would be found throughout the three-domain areas listed above and aren't isolated to any particular domain or task. New PMP exam content will have duties under each field and in the current PMP exam. However, there would be the new term enablers in the new PMP exam content.

Now, let's what is Domain, tasks, and enablers would be coming with PMP exam changes.

· Domain:

It would be defined as the high-level knowledge area that would be essential for the practice of project management. There would be five domains in the current PMP exam content. However, there would be about three domains in the new PMP exam content mentioned above.

· Tasks:

It indicates the underlying responsibilities of the project manager within each domain area. PMP exam would assess each PMP exam candidate's knowledge and experience based on these tasks under each Domain.

· Enablers:

It would be the illustrative examples of the work which would be associated with the task. Remember that enablers wouldn't mean to be an exhaustive list, but instead, it would be offering a few examples to demonstrate what the mission encompasses.

If you desire to pass the PMP exams and look for the most reliable and clear to understand the material, it would be effortless for you to gain it at SPOTO. We present you with the most state-of-the-art questions & answers of PMP exams, accurate according to the updated exam.


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