How to start PMP exam preparation?
Every PMP certification would be aspirant differs from one another in terms of expertise and experience. Similarly, every person would have gone a unique learning habit. Therefore, you need to obtain your study plan based on your personal learning needs and likes. So, if you are thinking about How to Start PMP exam Preparation, this is your answer.
Tips to prepare for PMP Exam Preparation:
1. Review PMP Examination Content Outline
PMP Examination content outline is considered an essential document that would help you out in performing well with your PMP exam. You must also go through this document which would be published by PMI, to find the information mentioned below:
• Breaking up of questions according to the Process areas
• Listing of skills, tasks, and the knowledge required as per the PMI’s Role Delineation Study.
2. Opt for formal study course provided by any accredited R.E.P. (Registered Education Provider)
Project Management Institute (PMI) would have approved specific organizations for offering the project management training for establishing a global network of quality education providers for helping all the Project Management Professional (PMP) credential aspirants and credential holders.
3. Come up with a study plan
It would be best if you began treating your PMP certification as a project, and you must prepare a plan that would cover all the activities that would help you out in being PMP certified. But the core element in this plan would be to have a well-defined study plan. You must make your study sessions with smaller chunks, prepare a study plan including the timelines for reading PMBOK, practice mock tests, and study numerous materials, etc.
4. Review the current edition of PMBOK Guide as well as self-study books
No matter whatever reference material you would desire for studying for preparing for your PMP certification exam, the PMPBOK Guide would be recommended study material for all the PMP aspirants.
5. Practice Mock Tests
You could do that by obtaining PMP mock tests. These could help you out in mapping the gaps in your project management knowledge. You could take a test and review the results to find the areas you require to work on.
To Conclude:
When you begin with your preparation for PMP certification, you must remember that attaining the PMP certification demonstrates your commitment to the profession of project management and reveals your credibility for earning more and raising the value of your resume above the non-certified ones. Keeping these points in mind would help you surely avoid getting discouraged during your certification process. So, now that your question, How to start PMP exam preparation, has been answered, you must be looking forward to beginning your practice. Do not forget to check out the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps to ensure your success in obtaining the PMP Certification.