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How many questions required to pass PMP Exam?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2021-05-06
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  •   Views: 886
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  •   Category:
  • PMP News

To become certified with PMP, you would require appearing for the PMP certification exam. This exam would be conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI). You would be looking forward to how many questions to pass PMP Exam. It would consist of 180 questions. There would be about 230 minutes to complete the exam. The PMP Exam Questions will be a combination of multiple-choice, matching, multiple responses, hotspot, and limited fill-in-the-blank types of questions. To practice these questions, obtain the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps to achieve success in the very first attempt.


The primary purpose of PMI would be to include these questions in the PMP exam to monitor the performance of these questions and authenticate them for inclusion in the future exam database. These questions would be randomly placed all about the PMP exam. Here, the challenge would be that you couldn’t identify these pretest questions in the exam as they would be placed randomly.

You would have to attempt all the questions with equal sincerity. PMP exam would be a closed book exam. Hence, you couldn’t refer to any material during the exam.

You would be given 4 hours to finish the PMP exam. Remember that there would be no scheduled breaks throughout the examination. If you require, you would be allowed to take a break, but your exam clock would continue to count down. Before the PMP exam would have begun, you would get 15 minutes to go through the tutorial, which a survey would follow. It is not mandatory, and this time isn’t included in the exam time of 4 hours.

Furthermore, this exam would have been designed to assess and measure project management knowledge objectively. Besides, certified PMP experts writing and reviewing all the questions on the exam. Moreover, these questions would be mapped with the PMP Exam Content Outline to ensure that an appropriate number of questions would be placed in the PMP Exam.

The basis of the PMP Exam would be the blueprint contained in the PMP Exam Content Outline. This would be listing the percentage of questions that would be included in each project management process group. Questions in the PMP exam would be based generally on the PMBOK Guide and Professional Responsibility, and Code of Ethics. 



PMI would declare no official PMP passing score or PMP exam pass rate. The last published PMP Passing score would be about 61%. Now PMI doesn’t declare the percentage which you would be scoring in each of the five domains. PMP exam results would be based on proficiency level explicitly 


Moderately Proficient

Below Proficient. 


Hence, there would be no fixed PMP passing score, and you won’t be able to know how many questions to pass the PMP exam. The best way to go for the PMP exam would be without worrying about the PMP exam questions. It would be best to focus on scoring more than 75% in your practice exams for sitting and passing the PMP exam confidently. For the preparation of the same, you must check out the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps.


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