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Choosing the Right PMI® Certification for You

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2021-03-24
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  •   Views: 1347
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  •   Category:
  • PMP News

We would discuss Project Management as a career and the necessary certifications from PMI to upgrade your skills and become a successful Project manager. Project management is considered the process of leading a team's work to achieve goals and meet criteria successfully at a specified time.

What is PMI?

The Project Management Institute or PMI is considered a global non-profit professional organization for project management. It would be in services and concluding for include the development of standards, publication, education, networking-opportunities in local chapters, before hosting conferences, training seminars, and providing accreditation 2in project management.

Two excellent PMI certifications for you to boost your career

1. PMP


1. PMP – Project Management Professional 

As per the PMI, any experienced Project manager responsible for all aspects of project delivery, leading, and directing cross-functional teams, is a good candidate for PMP certification.

The PMP certification is considered to be the gold standard of project management certification. It is believed to be the most respected and recognized certification in Project Management. A PMP certification would be able to boost your career and provide you a competitive edge since it would be internationally recognized and demanded by organizations across the globe. 

2. CAPM – Certified Associate in Project Management

The CAPM is considered a specialized credential offered through the PMI that would enhance your credibility as a Project manager. It would be testifying your understanding of the fundamental knowledge, terminology, and processes of effective project management.

Why opt for a PMP Certification?

You could find Project Management Professionals leading projects across the globe, and, irrespective of the domain of geography, the PMP is truly global. As a PMP, you would be able to work in virtually any industry, with any methodology, as well as in any location. 

The PMP could also provide a significant advantage when it involves salary and earning potential. As per the PMI's Earning Power survey, those who possess the PMP certification garner a higher salary than those without a PMP certification.

PMP Cost

The PMP Certification exam fee would be about 555 USD for the people who aren't PMI members, and for the members, it is 405 USD. If you select to become a PMI member at the time of your application for the PMP exam, you'll need to pay 555 USD for the exam fee and the membership fee combined.

PMP Salary

As such, the chart below would be able to compare you with the various job titles with the salary data collected from PMI, Payscale,  and Glassdoor to offer the most comprehensive view of the size of the salary increase you might anticipate after Passing the PMP Certification Exam.

Job Title PMI Salary Payscale Salary Glassdoor Salary

Portfolio Manager $134,000 $85,075 $105,775

Program Manager $121,650 $81,124 $98,323

Project Management Specialist $90,000 $68,957 $70,045

So, if you wish to gain the salaries above, you must obtain the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps to achieve success on the very first attempt.


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