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Can I Get PMP Certification without Experience?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2020-11-05
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  •   Views: 1143
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  • PMP News

Becoming a certified project management professional will have several benefits. You can work as a project manager in any parts of the world, and you will enjoy a salary that is at least 20% higher than an ordinary project manager gets.

The PMI or Project Management Institute awards the badge to those that pass the PMP certification exam. However, only those with experience in managing projects may qualify to take the test. Even if you are a graduate of a management course, you must have rendered a certain number of hours handling projects.

Project managers that want to move up the ladder of their career and enjoy bigger salaries and better benefits than their fellow product managers can take the PMP exam.

Why One Needs the Experience to Get PMP Certification

A certified Project Management Professional is someone who can apply what he learns from books to real-life situations. Knowledge or skills are not enough. The experience will teach you what you have not learned from books, especially when dealing with practical problems and issues. Even if you have mastered the concepts and rules in the PMBOK, it will be a challenge to resolve one when confronted with a critical situation in real life. Since the PMP certification exam comprises situational problems, it will be challenging to find the best answer when you have not experienced it. Since PMPs are given the most crucial job in an organization, they must have the experience needed to perform their roles efficiently. To qualify for the PMP exam, one must have three years or 36 months of handling projects. If your experience in the job is less than 36 months, you have an alternative. You can register for the Certified Associate in Project Management or CAPM.

What Is CAPM?

CAMPM or Certified Associate in Project Management is a certification exam that the PMI gives for project managers with fewer years of experience. Those that have this certificate can draw a salary of $100,000 or more. The requirements include a high school diploma or its equivalent and 1,500 hours of managing projects. You can work as a project manager in Information Technology, associate project manager, business analyst, and project coordinator with this badge.

Working in these roles will add up to your experience, and if you still want to take the PMP certification exam, it would be easy for you because you will be able to meet the required number of years of experience. Besides, you will learn how to deal with real-life problems that you will encounter in the practice of your profession.

How to Pass the CAPM

Why wait until you have gained the right number of years of experience to take the PMP certification when you are now qualified to take the CAPM? If you have mastered the PMBOK, you will find it easy to pass the exam. Nevertheless, if you want to make sure that you can pass the test on your first try, register for the SPOTO online training course. As soon as you have registered, you will receive the study materials and practice test items in your email. The SPOTO CAPM dumps are 100% valid and accurate, and studying them can improve your self-confidence when you sit for the exam.

If you desire to pass the CAPM exam and looking for the most reliable and clear to understand materials, now it is easy for you to get at SPOTO. 


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