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[2020] How PMP Exam Passing Score Is Calculated?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2020-10-21
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  •   Views: 1512
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  •   Category:
  • PMP News

A long time ago, PMP Exam passing score was considered 61%, but no one knows if there would be a concrete score today. There might or might not be a fixed passing rate or percentage for today. PMI might have determined some minimum marks to pass the students, but they haven’t disclosed this fact to anyone or utilize a percentile mechanism.

Nowadays, PMI is following a grading system. In the latest design, it would give a grade on a four-point scale across five different domains of the PMP exam. Again, no one would know how this grading is going to be done.

We would have jotted some essential aspects of clearing the exam that would be generally believed to be accurate. You would also find some historical facts which are regarding passing the exam here. They will help you comprehend the current scenario much better. Before we discuss it, if you are looking forward to obtaining the PMP certification, you must gain the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps to succeed in the first attempt.

PMP Exam Score In 2020

The passing score of PMP isn’t disclosed by the PMI (Project Management Institute). Yet PMI would convey that sound psychometric analysis would determine the passing score for all PMI credential examinations. PMI utilizes subject matter experts worldwide to establish a point at which each candidate should clear the review (s) and the examination point of difficulty.

The sentence above means that no two candidates will have the same score, and hence no two candidates will have the same sets of questions. So if no two candidates could have the same set of questions, then it would be quite unfair for those who got difficult questions to gain a finite clearing score. Hence, the psychometric analysis would help the PMI evaluate the final score for each candidate and ensure the difficulty for clearing the exam would be the same for all.

In the examination, there would be different sets of questions that come from other domains of project management, which you might come across and learned in your project management experience and training.


They are :


These questions will be based on the PMBOK specification and the PMP Code of Ethics. This distribution would help you out in your preparation, and you would be able to gain an idea about the score.

Currently, the PMP exam would categorize the individuals on 4 points called performance rating categories. Each topic domain would have four performance ratings, above target, target, below target, needs improvement, each of which would be explained below:

1.   Above Target, which means that the Performance would be outpacing the minimum requirements.

2.   Target, which means that the Performance would be colliding the minimum requirements.

3.   Below Target, which means that the Performance slightly below target and failing to meet minimum requirements. Additional preparation would be required.

4.   Needs Improvement, which means that the performance is below target, and additional preparation, would be strongly recommended before re-examination.

Hence, now that you have obtained all the information regarding the PMP Exam Preparation and the passing score, you might be able to give the exam. If yes, check out the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps to obtain success in the same.


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