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Cisco devise configuration newbie - switch command Daquan (part one)

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  •   Posted on: 2019-05-16
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Cisco devise configuration newbie - switch command Daquan  (part   one)

You need to read the article if you are preparing for IT certification.

1. Set the host name / system name based on IOS switches:


Switch(config)# hostname hostname


Set the hostname / system name on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set system name name-string


2. Set the login password on the IOS- based switch :


Switch(config)# enable password level 1 password


Set the login password on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set password


Switch(enable) set enalbepass


3. Set up remote access on IOS- based switches :


Switch(config)# interface vlan 1


Switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address netmask


Switch(config-if)# ip default-gateway ip-address


Set up remote access on a CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set interface sc0 ip-address netmask broadcast-address


Switch(enable) set interface sc0 vlan


Switch(enable) set ip route default gateway

4. Enable and browse CDP information on IOS- based switches :


Switch(config-if)# cdp enable


Switch(config-if)# no cdp enable


In order to view the CDP notification information of Cisco neighboring devices :


Switch# show cdp interface [type modle/port]


Switch# show cdp neighbors [type module/port] [detail]


Enable and browse CDP information on a CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set cdp {enable|disable} module/port


In order to view the CDP notification information of Cisco neighboring devices :


Switch(enable) show cdp neighbors[module/port] [vlan|duplex|capabilities|detail]


5. Port Description IOS based switch:


Switch(config-if)# description description-string


CLI-based switch port description:


Switch(enable)set port name module/number description-string


6. Set the port speed on the IOS- based switch :


Switch(config-if)# speed{10|100|auto}


Set the port speed on a CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set port speed moudle/number {10|100|auto}


Switch(enable) set port speed moudle/number {4|16|auto}


7. Set the Ethernet link mode on the IOS- based switch :


Switch(config-if)# duplex {auto|full|half}


Set the link mode of the Ethernet on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set port duplex module/number {full|half}


8. Configure a static VLAN on an IOS- based switch :


Switch# vlan database


Switch(vlan)# vlan vlan-num name vla


Switch(vlan)# exit


Switch# configure teriminal


Switch(config)# interface interface module/number


Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access


Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan vlan-num


Switch(config-if)# end


Configure a static VLAN on a CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num [name name]


Switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num mod-num/port-list


9Configure VLAN trunks on IOS- based switches :


Switch(config)# interface interface mod/port


Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk


Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation {isl|dotlq}


Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan remove vlan-list


Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list


Configure VLAN trunks on CLI- based switches :


Switch(enable) set trunk module/port [on|off|desirable|auto|nonegotiate]


Vlan-range [isl|dotlq|dotl0|lane|negotiate]


10. Configure the VTP management domain on the IOS- based switch :


Switch# vlan database


Switch(vlan)# vtp domain domain-name


Configure the VTP management domain on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set vtp [domain domain-name]


11. Configure VTP mode on the IOS- based switch :


Switch# vlan database


Switch(vlan)# vtp domain domain-name


Switch(vlan)# vtp {sever|cilent|transparent}


Switch(vlan)# vtp password password


Configure VTP mode on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set vtp [domain domain-name] [mode{ sever|cilent|transparent }][password password]


12. Configure the VTP version on the IOS- based switch :


Switch# vlan database


Switch(vlan)# vtp v2-mode


Configure the VTP version on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set vtp v2 enable


13. Start VTP tailoring on IOS- based switches :


Switch# vlan database


Switch(vlan)# vtp pruning


Start VTP tailoring on a CL I- based switch :


Switch(enable) set vtp pruning enable


14. Configure the EtherChannel on the IOS- based switch :


Switch(config-if)# port group group-number [distribution {source|destination}]


Configure the EtherChannel on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set port channel moudle/port-range mode{on|off|desirable|auto}


15. Adjust root path cost on IOS- based switches :


Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] cost cost


Adjust the root path cost on a CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set spantree portcost moudle/port cost


Switch(enable) set spantree portvlancost moudle/port [cost cost][vlan-list]


16. Adjust the port ID on the IOS- based switch :


Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree[vlan vlan-list]port-priority port-priority


Adjust the port ID on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set spantree portpri {mldule/port}priority


Switch(enable) set spantree portvlanpri {module/port}priority [vlans]


17. Modify the STP clock on the IOS- based switch :


Switch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] hello-time seconds


Switch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] forward-time seconds


` switch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] max-age seconds


Modify the STP clock on the CLI- based switch :


Switch(enable) set spantree hello interval[vlan]


Switch(enable) set spantree fwddelay delay [vlan]


Switch(enable) set spantree maxage agingtiame[vlan]


18. Enable or disable the Port Fast feature on the IOS- based switch port :


Switch(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast


Enable or disable the Port Fast feature on the CLI- based switch port :


Switch(enable) set spantree portfast {module/port}{enable|disable}


19. Enable or disable the UplinkFast feature on the IOS- based switch port :


Switch(config)# spanning-tree uplinkfast [max-update-rate pkts-per-second]


Enable or disable the UplinkFast feature on the CLI- based switch port :


Switch(enable) set spantree uplinkfast {enable|disable}[rate update-rate] [all-protocols off|on]


20. To configure the switch as a clustered command switch , first assign an IP address to the management interface and then use the following command : switch(config)# cluster enable cluster-name


21. To remove a VLAN from a trunk link , use the following command :


Switch(enable) clear trunk module/port vlan-range


22. Use the show vtp domain to display the VTP parameters of the management domain .


23Use show vtp statistics to display the VTP parameters of the management domain .


24. The command to define TrBRon a Catalyst switch is as follows :


Switch(enable) set vlan vlan-name [name name] type trbrf bridge bridge-num[stp {ieee|ibm}]


25. The command to define TrCRF on a Catalyst switch is as follows :


Switch (enable) set vlan vlan-num [name name] type trcrf


{ring hex-ring-num|decring decimal-ring-num} parent vlan-num


26. After creating TrBRF VLAN, you can assign it to the switch port to an Ethernet switch, you can use the following command to assign VLAN port:


Switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num mod-num/port-num


27. The command show spantree shows the STP status of a switch port .


28. To configure the LES and BUS of an ELAN , you can use the following commands :


ATM (config)# interface atm number.subint multioint


ATM(config-subif)# lane serber-bus ethernet elan-name


29. Configure LECS:


ATM(config)# lane database database-name


ATM(lane-config-databade)# name elan1-name server-atm-address les1-nsap-address


ATM(lane-config-databade)# name elan2-name server-atm-address les2-nsap-address


ATM(lane-config-databade)# name ...


30. After creating the database , you must start the LECS. command on the main interface as follows :


ATM(config)# interface atm number


ATM(config-if)# lane config database database-name


ATM(config-if)# lane config auto-config-atm-address


31. Configure each LEC to a different ATM subinterface . The command is as follows :


ATM(config)# interface atm number.subint multipoint


ATM(config)# lane client ethernet vlan-num elan-num


32Use the show lane server to display the status of the LES .


33. Use the show lane bus to display the status of the bus .


34. Use show lane database to display the LECS database content .


35. Use the show lane client to display the status of the LEC .


36. Use the show module to display a list of installed modules .


37. Establish a connection to the VLAN using the physical interface :


Router# configure terminal


Router(config)# interface media module/port


Router(config-if)# description description-string


Router(config-if)# ip address ip-addr subnet-mask


Router(config-if)# no shutdown


38. Use a trunk link to establish a connection to the VLAN :


Router(config)# interface module/port.subinterface


Router(config-ig)# encapsulation[isl|dotlq] vlan-number


Router(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-mask


39. Use LANE to establish a connection to the VLAN :


Router(config)# interface atm module/port


Router(config-if)# no ip address


Router(config-if)# atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal


Router(config-if)# atm pvc 2 0 16 ilni


Router(config-if)# interface atm module/port.subinterface multipoint


Router(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-mask


Router(config-if)# lane client ethernet elan-num


Router(config-if)# interface atm module/port.subinterface multipoint


Router(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-name


Router(config-if)# lane client ethernet elan-name


Router(config-if)# ...

40. In order to perform dynamic routing configuration on the routing processor , the following IOS commands can be used :


Router(config)# ip routing


Router(config)# router ip-routing-protocol


Router(config-router)# network ip-network-number


Router(config-router)# network ip-network-number


41. Configure the default route :


Switch(enable) set ip route default gateway


42. Assign a VLANID to a route processor , using the following commands in interface mode :


Router(config)# interface interface number


Router(config-if)# mls rp vlan-id vlan-id-num


43. Enable MLSP on the route processor :


Router(config)# mls rp ip


44. In order to place an external route processor interface and switch in the same VTP domain :


Router(config)# interface interface number


Router(config-if)# mls rp vtp-domain domain-name


45. View information about the specified VTP domain :


Router# show mls rp vtp-domain vtp domain name


46. To determine the RSM or management interface on the router, the following command can be entered at the interface mode:


Router(config-if)#mls rp management-interface


47. To verify the configuration of the MLS-RP :


Router# show mls rp


48. Verify the MLS configuration on a specific interface :


Router# show mls rp interface interface number


49. In order to set the flow mask on the MLS-SE and do not want to set the access list on any of the route processor interfaces:


Set mls flow [destination|destination-source|full]


50. To make the MLS and input access list compatible, you can use the following commands in global mode:


Router(config)# mls rp ip input-acl

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