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[Exclusive] Wireshark usage and filtering rules

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2019-05-14
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[Exclusive] Wireshark usage and filtering rules

exclusive! today I will share Wireshark usage and filtering rules with you.


1 filter IP



Ip.src eq or ip.dst eq


Or ip.addr eq // can display source IP and destination IP


Ip.src eq


Tip: In the Filter edit box, when the filter rules are included, if the syntax is incorrect, the box will be red, if it is correct, it will be green.




2 filter port



Tcp.port eq 80 // Shows whether the port is source or target


Tcp.port == 80


Tcp.port eq 2722


Tcp.port eq 80 or udp.port eq 80


Tcp.dstport == 80// Only the target port 80 of the tcp protocol is displayed.


Tcp.srcport == 80 // Only the source port of the tcp protocol is displayed.


Udp.port eq 15000




Filter port range


Tcp.port >= 1 and tcp.port <= 80




3 filter protocol

Examples: tcp, udp, arp, icmp, http, smtp, ftp, dns, msnms, ip, ssl, oicq, bootp, etc.



4 filter MAC

Filtered by net head


Eth.dst == A0:00:00:04:C5:84 // Filter the target mac


Eth.src eq A0:00:00:04:C5:84 // Filter to mac






Eth.addr eq A0:00:00:04:C5:84 // Filter source MAC and destination MAC are equal to A0:00:00:04:C5:84




Less than less than < lt


Less than or equal to le


Equal to eq


Greater than gt


Greater than or equal to ge


Not waiting for ne




5 pack length filter



Udp.length == 26 This length refers to the fixed length of udp itself plus the sum of the packets below udp


Tcp.len >= 7 refers to the ip packet (the data below tcp), excluding tcp itself


Ip.len == 94 In addition to the fixed length of the Ethernet header 14, the other is ip.len, from ip itself to the last


Frame.len == 119 the entire packet length, starting from eth to the end


Eth —> ip or arp —> tcp or udp —> data




6 http mode filtering



Http.request.method == "GET"


Http.request.method == "POST"


Http.request.uri == "/img/logo-edu.gif"


Http contains "GET"


Http contains "HTTP/1."




// GET package


Http.request.method == "GET" && http contains "Host: "


Http.request.method == "GET" && http contains "User-Agent: "


// POST package


Http.request.method == "POST" && http contains "Host:"


Http.request.method == "POST" && http contains "User-Agent: "


// response package


Http contains "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" && http contains "Content-Type: "


Http contains "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" && http contains "Content-Type: "


Must contain the following






7 TCP parameter filtering

Tcp.flags displays the packet containing the TCP flag.


Tcp.flags.syn == 0x02 Displays the packet containing the TCP SYN flag.


Tcp.window_size == 0 && tcp.flags.reset != 1




8 packs of content filtering


Tcp[20] means starting from 20, taking 1 character


Tcp[20:] means starting from 20, taking more than 1 character



Tcp[20:8] means starting from 20, taking 8 characters




Udp[8:3]==81:60:03 // Offset 8 bytes, then take 3 numbers, is it equal to the data after ==?


Udp[8:1]==32 If I guess there is nothing wrong, it should be udp[offset: intercept the number]=nValue






Determine whether the first three of the packets below upd are equal to 0x20 0x21 0x22


We all know that udp has a fixed length of 8




Determine whether the first three packets of tcp are equal to 0x20 0x21 0x22


In general, tcp is 20 in length, but there are times when it is not 20.




If you want to get the most accurate, you should know the length of tcp first.


Matches and contains syntax


Ip.src== and udp[8:5] matches "\\x02\\x12\\x21\\x00\\x22" ip.src== and udp contains 02:12:21: 00:22


Ip.src== and tcp contains "GET"


Udp contains 7c:7c:7d:7d matches UDP packets with 0x7c7c7d7d in the payload, not necessarily matching from the first byte.






Note: The retrieval rule of the DHCP protocol is not dhcp/DHCP, but bootp


Take the example of forging a DHCP server and introduce the usage of Wireshark. Add a filter rule to the display filter to display all information that is not from the DHCP server and bootp.type==0x02(Offer/Ack/NAK):


Bootp.type==0x02 and not ip.src==




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