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The blueprint of CCIE RS LAB

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  •   Posted on: 2019-04-28
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  •   Views: 1196
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  •   Category:
  • CCIE Lab

SPOTO ccie lab exam information and ccie lab study plan.

CCIE Routing and Switching V5.0 Lab Dumps & Training

1 SPOTO CCIE RS Lab Exam Information:


2 Lab Exam Format:

Talking about the format of the Lab Exam, it consists of three modules. They are:

1.    The Troubleshooting Module

2.    The Configuration Module

3.    The Diagnostic Module

The timing of the Troubleshooting module is 2 hours and if you desire you can extend the time of the Troubleshooting module by borrowing up to 30 min from the Configuration Module. But do remember that, this minutes which you are borrowing, from the Troubleshooting Module, it will be deducted from the total time of the Configuration module which will be reduced by the extra time spend in the Troubleshooting Module (if you spend any, up to 30 min). Suppose if you finish the Troubleshooting module early, the time which is unused in the Troubleshooting modules will be added to the Configuration Module’s time, ensuring a total lab exam time of 8 hours. The final that is the Diagnostic module is fixed in duration and that is about 30 minutes.


3 SPOTO CCIE Routing and Switching V5.0 Lab Exam Study Plan

if you practice lab materials 3 hours every day, CCIE R&S Lab online training can be completed within 12 weeks







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