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SPOTO CCIE feedback and experience summary

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2019-05-29
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  • CCIE Lab

SPOTO CCIE feedback and experience summary


After about a year of preparation, I finally finished the perfect ending, wrote a report of the battle report and experience. Thank you for the help of the teachers and classmates and an incentive for yourself. As a person with two children and hard work, CCIE is really hard and I start to doubt my life. The final result is perfect and my family support is indispensable. The following content is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is my battle report and the second part is my summary of learning experience. I hope to help everyone.

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The content I extracted this time is TS2, DIAG3 and CFG LAB3. The overall situation is relatively smooth. I practice almost exactly the same way. According to the SPOTO solution, I can pass the exam without any scruples. I want to focus on thanking the teacher. Almost every time I answer questions, I am very intimate. At lunchtime, an Italian candidate went out to smoke the cigarette and gave his wife a call. The examiner immediately passed the exam and was forced out of the examination room.



All the wrong points are in the practice questions. There are only one wrong point in the 2 points (the deletion of the rental period is not a wrong point) and the 4 points are usually 2-3 points. The passive interface vlan does not affect the phenomenon. I have not deleted it. In the second part of the experience of this document, I will attach a summary of the previous battle reports. If you are interested in it , you can take a look.


Q1: ACL no 10, no 30.


Q2: SW111, SW110 ip ospf cost 9.


Q3: R23 Lo0 OSPF is reporting an error, and the R22/R23 start attribute is incorrect. This question should only have these two points but in order to match the AS number of the third-hop of the rendering. The interconnect interface has to be announced in the BGP of R12, R13, R22, R23. There are too many wrong points in this way, far more than the two wrong points of another four-point question. Therefore, I always think that this should not be a mistake. And the phenomenon of this question is particularly slow so I spent nearly 10 minutes on this question, which is the most time-consuming question.


Q4: R21 route map is not mounted.


Q5: R60 Tunnel 0 address mask problem.


Q6: SW111 VLAN 2001 did not add DHCP SERVER.


Q7: There are only two errors in this question, the OSPF process number is inconsistent on the R5 interface, and there is a R10 ospf distance problem.


Q8: This question is a perfect match to the phenomenon map. There is no fault and the demand does not say that you need to match DHCP SNOOPING these security attributes. Of course, I have done the practice is to know that to be equipped so open DHCP on SW310 SNOOPING. Then add ip dhcp relay information trusted in VLAN 2001 of SW300 and SW301.




Q10: R24 is not equipped with OUTSIDE NAT.




I didn't specifically remember which version. Just don't memorize it that you should understand the problem that no matter what answer is. I will choose the right one. For example, the second problem of DIAG3, I was always confused by the address of the server and the attacker. A bit of the function of the TCP 1337 port, I suddenly realized that the original port 1337 is used for file encryption. Many Trojans viruses use this port to attack servers or clients so that the files of the computer are maliciously encrypted. Then, the hacker must provide bitcoin to decrypt the password. So whether it is the destination address or the source address, as long as the IP corresponding to the TCP 1337 port is the server that received the attack. The hacker uses malicious code to encrypt the file through the port.





All of our RS CFGs in this test room are LAB3. Even the second test is the same version of LAB3 as the first test. It shows how frequent this version is and LAB3 has become stable. Almost everyone's pre-match is almost the same. New pit, it is strongly recommended that everyone hurry to take the exam. According to the SPOTO CLUB solution will definitely pass!




1. Some SW configurations SWITCH MODE ACCESS are quite complete and some are completely absent so they are all reconfigured directly.


2. Spanning-tree mst sim pvst globle is an old problem and there are many feedbacks are mentioned.




3. My pre-match 65002 is basically full. You don’t need to make up for it but 65004 and 65005 almost no router-id or at least lack of a router-id and have to make up.


4. It is strongly recommended that when configuring OSPF for 65003 and 65001. The common configuration of multicast is brushed together because they are all the same devices and the configuration is similar, such as ip host ...., ip multicast-routing is also together Configured because of many devices are missing these commands.


5. Clear ip bgp after any BGP configuration is done. Otherwise, the route will not converge and will cause many phenomena to be unsuccessful so we need to develop good habits.


6. EBGP has all been built which has reduced a lot of work. However, the pre-matching of each area needs to be checked so it takes longer.


7. Multicast costs me a lot of time. The 2.11 requirement says that it is necessary to strictly match the phenomenon map. If it is at SW100 at the same time.


Configure send-rp-dis e0/2 on SW101, then it will match the E0/2 address of SW101 first instead of SW100.


E0/2 address so it does not match the phenomenon diagram so send-rp-dis e0/2 can only be configured on SW100.


Do not configure on SW101. Eventually, my phenomenon is all over.


8. SW111 lacks IPV6-UNI, don't worry about forgetting to match because when you configure BGP IPV6 if you don't enable IPV6, you will get an error.


9. DMVPN SPOKE lacks the verification code. IPSEC lacks VRF KEY. If both sides are configured, they will be UP again. I will verify DMVPN first and then mount IPSEC. I will get up immediately without any accident.


10. Try to change the names of the various strategies to different names than practice.



11. MPLS or R1 and R2 interfaces do not have MPLS IP. The MPLS configurations of the six devices are incomplete. You can directly follow the practice brush but you do not need to configure MPLS LDP AUTO in OSPF.


12. L2L VPN When configuring the stream of interest in R71, it is best to use a 24-bit mask to match, do not use a 16-bit mask to match. Although all can pass, according to past work experience, the stream of interest is Symmetrical. If the 24-bit mask used by the peer R24, R71 should be symmetric with a 24-bit mask.




CCIE's study is very difficult for people who have worked and have children. After work, they have to do housework to help children. After they are exhausted, they still have to learn. Fortunately, once they pass, everything is worth it.You can also join SPOTO CLUB to get more support.


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