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Information about CISCO CCIE LAB

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2019-04-24
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  • CCIE Lab

1.CCIE Routing and Switching V5.0 Lab Dumps & Training

1.1 SPOTO CCIE RS Lab Exam Information:


  CFG :H1&H1+ CFG、H2&H2+ CFG、H3 CFG

  DIAG:DIAG 1~DIAG 8(8 sets)

1.2 SPOTO CCIE Routing and Switching V5.0 Lab Exam Study Plan

You can complete CCIE R&S Lab online training within 12 weeks if you practice lab materials 3 hours per day. Tutors and services will assist you along the whole preparation. Every module we do provide workbooks, solutions, and videos tutorial. You can watch videos first, and practice materials. about ccie data center lab dumps ccie security v4 lab dumps

Phase 1: Two weeks to practice H2 CFG

Phase 2: Two weeks to practice TS1

Phase 3: Two weeks to practice CFG H1, H1

Phase 4: Five days to practice all incidents of TS2

Phase 5: Two days to practice DIAG

Phase 6: One week to practice CFG H2+

Phase 7: You can access to H3 CFG+, TS2 new faults after you compete phase1 to phase6

Phase 8: Two weeks to review

Phase9: We will provide a DIAG VCE test 10 days before your Lab exam

2.CCIE Security v5.0 LAB Dumps & Training

2.1 SPOTO CCIE Security Lab Exam Information:




2.2 SPOTO CCIE SEC v5.0 LAB Examination Study Plan

You can complete CCIE Security Lab training within 64 days if you practice lab materials 4 hours per day. Tutors and services will assist you along the whole preparation. Every module we do provide workbooks, solutions, and videos tutorial. You can watch videos first, and practice with materials access to our rack.  other about ccie sp lab exam ccie wireless lab dumps ccie isp


Phase 1: Tutors advice to spend 28 days on practicing Configuration module(CFG1)and 7 days on reviewing.

Phase 2:You can access to TS1 materials after completing CFG module. The materials include videos tutorial, workbooks, and solutions. It’s enough to spend seven days on TS1 training.

Phase 3: Four days to practice Diagnostic module: DIAG1, DIAG2, DIAG2+ , DIAG2++, DIAG2++

Phase 4: Four days to practice all incidents of TS2

Phase 5: Four days to practice all incidents of TS3

Phase 6: three days to practice all incidents of TS3+

Phase 7: two days to practice all incidents of TS3++

Phase 8: five days to review CFG, TS and DIAG


3.CCIE Service Provider v4.1 LAB & Training

 3.1 SPOTO CCIE SP Lab Exam Information:




new TS (2019.3 TS4)Q2, MSCP. Was the question like this - BORDER and ABC share the multicast traffic flow. ABC-PEXXX has an igmp-join group command for x.x.x.x multicast address. BORDER-PXXX cannot ping the multicast address.           Sol-R

router msdp


 connect-source lo0

 remote-as 16




ip msdp peer connect-source lo0 remote-as 17


3.2 SPOTO CCIE Service Provider Lab Exam v4.1 Study Plan

You can complete CCIE Service Provider Lab online training within 55 days if you practice CCIE SP Lab materials 3 hours per day. Tutors and services will assist you along the whole preparation. Every module we do provide workbooks, solutions, and videos tutorial. You can watch videos first, and practice lab materials.

Phase 1:16 days to practice Configuration module(CFG1)and 5 days to review.

Phase 2:16 days to practice Configuration module(CFG2)and 5 days to review.

Phase 3:8 days to practice Troubleshooting module (TS1 TS2 TS3)

Phase 4:3 days to practice Diagnostic module (DIAG1, DIAG1+)

Phase 5:7 days to review

4.CCIE Wireless Lab Dumps & Training

 4.1 SPOTO CCIE Wireless Lab Exam Information:



4.2 SPOTO CCIE Wireless Lab Exam v3.1 Study Pian

You can complete CCIE Wireless Lab online training within 9.5 weeks if you practice lab materials 3 hours per day. Tutors and services will assist you along the whole preparation. Every module we do provide workbooks, solutions, and videos tutorial. You can watch videos first, and practice lab materials.

Phase 1:spend seven and half weeks to practice CFG & TS module (LAB1).

Phase 2:spend one week to practice DIAG module (DIAG1, DIAG2, DIAG3).

Phase 3: spend one week to practice CFG & TS module (LAB2).

Phase 1:There are 6 sections in CFG& TS Module. 1 week to practice section 1&2, 2 weeks to practice section3, 2 weeks to practice section4, 1.5weeks to practice section5, 1week to practice section6

Phase 2:one week to practice DIAG1

5. CCIE Data Center LAB Dumps & Training

5.1 SPOTO CCIE DC Lab Exam Information:



5.2 SPOTO CCIE Data Center Lab Exam v2.1 Study Plan

You can complete CCIE DC Exam v2.1 online training within 6 weeks if you practice SPOTO CCIE DC v2.1 lab material three hours per day. Tutors and service will assist you along the whole preparation. Every module we do provide workbooks, solutions, and tutorial videos. Watch tutorial videos first to get familiar with how to do on work; practice lab materials. Phase One: spend five weeks to practice CFG & TS module until no mistake Phase Two: spend one week to practice DIAG module until no mistake Phase Three: review two modules materials and confirm with tutor about exam. ccie isp



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