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CCIE Security 400 251 Lab Exam Guide

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  •   Posted on: 2019-05-09
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  • CCIE Lab

 CCIE Security Lab Exam Guide

The CCIE security professionals enjoy more benefits and perks as compared to their other CCIE R&S professionals.


The average annual salary of any CCIE R&S professional working as a network engineer can be fifty to sixty thousand depending on their experience; however, CCIE Security professional working as a network security engineer draws around hundred to hundred and twenty-five thousands annually. This means that pursuing a career in becoming a CCIE Security professional will be more fruitful as compared to other professions.

Getting certified in CCIE Security is a lifetime milestone achieved by the ambitious individuals seeking expert level expertise in designing and securing complex networks in any enterprise. The individuals have to pass their CCIE Security written as well as Lab exam in order to get this most demanding certificate.


CCIE Security written exam takes up to two hours to assess the individual's capacity and once this written exam is passed, the individual can take the other eight hours lab exam to qualify for the CCIE Security certification.


The Lab exam is itself very tough because those who passed the exam and get certified professionals are one of the world's expert level brains. So Cisco has designed these two exams (both written and lab) to ensure that the passing individual has expert level knowledge in their related field. So the average time to prepare for the lab exam ranges from nine to fifteen months depending upon the individual expertise.


After preparing for this exam, the individual still requires one month time scheduling for their lab exam. The lab exam has different modules which validate the integrity of the individuals. The individuals have to secure the standard marks in each of the modules in order to pass the lab exam.


As mentioned above, the lab test is tough but the preparation, on the other hand, is very easy however it requires a lot of commitment to your ambitions. The candidates should have passion and dedication towards their work, they must know what they are doing. They should have clear plans, they must have targets with deadlines which they should achieve.


For the sake of learning and preparation, these individuals should be willing to pledge their time in utilising all of their available resources into learning the required skills. They should join any reputable institute, learn from their resources and practice these acquired skills in a real-time environment. The candidates should also make a weekly habit of solving practice exams which can be available everywhere on the internet, however, keep in mind that you choose a reputable vendor for that.


Going to boot camp or trying Cisco 360, work resources or Cisco-provided self-study plans should also be kept along with another routine. Nobody knows which part helps them memorising things more easily than the rest. Try to make notes of what you are learning and review them in your free time. Evaluate your performance and compare it with your deadlines to ensure you are on the right track.


Once the lab exam date is due, try to remain calm and go for the lab exam earlier which will help you to settle down according to the lab environment. The individuals should not waste any of their time in their eight hours exam. Keep in mind that if you save any of your time in your first module, then you can use this in your third module or if you aren't able to spare any of the time from the first module and you still require some time you can either borrow half an hour time from the third module as well.


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