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What Would Be the Skill Sets Obligatory for the AWS Solutions Architect Certification?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2021-01-04
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  •   Views: 757
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  • AWS New

Holders of AWS Solutions Architect Certification would be frequently a part of the solution development team, which has the responsibility of designing one or more services or applications within an organization.

The solution architect would be required for having both businesses as well as technical skills in the proper balance. He or she would often be working with an enterprise architect for the strategic direction.

The focus is considered to be mainly on the technical decisions regarding the solution and the impact that they are going to have on the outcomes of the business. The information is utilized by the development team for the implementation of a solution.

Solution architects would be requiring the process and people skills. More often than not, they would be required for explaining complex problems to management in the simplest possible terms.

They are required to explain the same thing in a different manner, depending on their audience. Of course, they would have to understand the procedures of the business well for generating an interconnected product vision.

The project participation of the solution architect would be beginning when the requirements are being developed by the computer systems analyst. Thereafter, their involvement would be continuing throughout the rest of the project.

The task of development would be organized by them, guiding and motivating the development time during the systems development life cycle. Ultimately, their main responsibility is considered to be regarding the vision which would be underlying the solution as well as about executing that vision.

A solution architect might also have to look after testing, programming, and integration of software systems as well as devices. They would be utilizing processes that usually would be involving the selection of technology that would be suitable for a problem. They also require maintaining a balance between architectural concerns and enterprise concerns.

Skills Required to become a Solution Architect

The role of a solution architect would be a technical one and is going to involve the translation of functional requirements into robust solutions. Individuals who would be looking forward to gaining a job as a solution architect must possess AWS solutions architect certification as well as have a relevant degree along with certain skills, which would be including:

· Technical literacy: A high level of technical literacy would be required to become a solution architect. It would be allowing them to figure out how a particular solution would be fitting with the current structure of the organization. They also require assisting the development of requirements as well as specifications.

· Analytical assessment: Solution architects would be required to examine the current system of the client, which would be involving extreme analysis. They also require to analyze for determining the overall scope and requirements of the project.

· Managing schedule: Correct time management skills would also be required for determining milestones as well as scheduling for development and ensuring timely completion of deliverables

· Leading the team: Solution architects are required to know about motivating and leading since they would be overseeing directly the development teams throughout the development lifecycles of projects.

· Communication skills: Excellent written and verbal communication skills would also be required since the role would be involving communication with clients, external vendors as well as team members.

· Solving problems: The system limitations or client specifications could change during development. Solution architects would require utilizing their problem-solving skills for changing directions quickly as per the updated specifications or limitations.

Now that you have acquired all the knowledge regarding the skills which are esteemed to become an AWS Solution Architect Certification, you should check out the courses which would help you out in obtaining the same, like the SPOTO AWS Exam Dumps.


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