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AWS Certification in 2020: Is It Worth It?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2020-09-14
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  •   Views: 1037
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  •   Category:
  • AWS New

Talking about hiring tech talent, there seems to be a never-ending debate about the value of certifications and whether or not they are considered an accurate representation of technical skills. By all accounts, AWS exams and their resulting certifications would be considered as the real deal; according to A Cloud Guru, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Associate) certification would be commanding an average salary of $125,091, and you don't get those numbers with a purely decorative title which would be thrown onto your resume.

1. Cloud technology is the future

The main concern you are required to have as a developer or technology professional would be staying on your industry's cutting edge. Finding out about as well as embracing technology trends early on would be making you obligatory to the companies you would be working for. For years, business owners and industry professionals have realized that cloud computing is believed to be the future of technology. It would be estimated that by the year 2020, nearly 85 percent of enterprise workloads would be in the cloud. Rather than letting technology pass you by, now is the time for you to gain get AWS certification.

2. Specialty skills make you more desirable to business employers

The only way for the candidates to achieve the level of success you would be after would be by continually looking for new skills to learn. The more you would know the ins and outs of AWS and cloud computing, the more comfortable you would be able to find it to land and keep your dream job. While gaining to AWS certified considered your current goal, you must look ahead to see what else you would be able to learn to prove your career.

3. AWS - the leader in the (IaaS) Infrastructure-as-a-Service industry

In the past year, the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) industry would have grown over by 30 percent. One of the biggest companies at the forefront of the IaaS revolution would be the AWS. If you have a passion for helping the companies set up a secure and functional infrastructure, gaining the AWS certified is crucial. By achieving this certification, you would be able to learn the core concepts of the AWS platform.

4. Eligibility for the subject matter expert program

Expanding your knowledge of AWS could help you to create more opportunities for yourself regardless of what career path you wish to take. When becoming AWS certified, you would have a chance to take advantage of the subject matter expert program. This program would be allowing you to go to numerous workshops. These workshops would be designed to help you examine the development process and get in-depth knowledge that could help you grow your skillsets.

5. Reflect your commitment to your profession

One of the main goals you are required to have as a developer would be to reflect on how committed you would be to become the best in your industry. When business owners begin to hire developers and programmers, they wish to put people in place that would be motivated and easy to manage. If you are having an AWS certification on your resume, it would be able to reflect a business owner just how much commitment you would have for expanding your skills.

Now that you have the knowledge regarding the value of AWS Certification, and if you wish to obtain it without any hustle, you should opt for the SPOTO AWS Exam Dumps.

SPOTO Exam Dumps would be able to aim you for to help all candidates for preparing and passing not just AWS, but also the Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Lab, CISSP, CISA, CISM, PMP, and other IT exams in the single try. Could you hurry up to contact us now?


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